in which bears of very little brain join nahaiwrimo


I did my first pooh-ku in december, spurred by stella pierides’ prompt (pick a ku-ku from michael dylan welch’s essay on his site graceguts).   I only did two, then the idea simmered in the back of my very cluttered brain until the lovely melissa allen included one in a recent haikuverse.  because I am myself a bear of very little brain –or perhaps no brain at all– I’m going to combine the daily nahaiwrimo prompts for the official haiku writing month with a hopefully relevant excerpt from “winnie-the-pooh” by a.a. milne.

(posted here under poohnahaiwrimo and haibun, since I may put the excerpt first. the haiku alone will be on fb).

thanks for reading. I do appreciate it. 


in which bears of very little brain join nahaiwrimo